Dear mankind,
I am who I am because we are who we are. What have we done? I look around and I see more than the war we wage between and within countries, for we have assigned the same borders to our body parts. Yes half of us might have a slightly different terrain from the other but I'd like to ask us, is it worth losing our personhood over? When I treat you like you are a man or a woman, I have pigeon holed you into a set of definitions that desperately needs updating. Because it is not the totality of your being. You are more than a woman and you are more than a man. Binary is not the code life was built on. There was always only one. And We were always more.
Yet, so much heavy focus has gone into creating idealized dolls of what the perfect male and female must look like that we have forgotten what it means to be a Person. When I say this, I mean to ask you, What does your authentic self want to really do and say and be like?
Imagine that you are unaware of your difference. Your body is an extension of a mind beyond gender. A mind that is capable of thinking without fear. What does that look like?
This is important. I want you to think about this. Because a mind without fear goes into the source of its pain with razor sharp awareness and cuts out the unnecessary.
I'll start by giving you an example from my own life. For a long time I apologized for the nuisance of my 'negative emotions'. I literally scolded and bashed myself for ever feeling angry or hurt or sad. If I was ever less than what seemed to be perky and positive, I put myself down badly and called myself names like melodramatic or useless or stupid. I told myself I was destined to be alone because I was just no good for people to love. Even in my pain, the idea of what the Resilient Female should be crept in and kept these feelings neatly locked inside. But lately, I have been observing these thoughts. They aren't in my own voice. They are in the voices of society. A parental figure, an ignorant friend, an angry passerby, a letcher. These weren't even my own fears. I was trying to be ACCOMODATING, and for what? For the sake of a mentally ill society that cannot possibly even profit from a comfortable status-quo. No. The time has come I have told myself, to be live boldly, to live from the light of awareness. For only this will bring clarity for the next step in our evolution. This has been my journey lately and I hope it is example enough to help you guys ask the same questions to yourselves <3
This brings me to my next point. I mentioned that a mind without fear nurtures the light of awareness and heightens the intellect. But it is also expands the heart. What does this mean? Well, it is only when one has gone to the deep end of their psyche and questioned the origins of their beliefs and their ideas of themselves that.. inequality is understood as stupidity, as ignorance. And one begins to KNOW, that every single being on this planet is of EQUAL VALUE and IS valuable just by the sheer virtue of it coming into existence. All power that people wield that we believe to be some innate magic, is a given power and a taken power. And power is only a perceived measure of one thing being more valuable than the other. In actuality, there is a greater equality beyond all binaries. And yes there is cause and effect. But when we sit in this realization, we are sitting in the lap of Oneness and where there is oneness, there is love. Where there is love their is mutual respect for each other and all things. We start to be more sensitive to any pain we may cause to ourselves and others. We begin to think along the lines of harmony. 
This is my wish for mankind. I know we will get there. From the strong voices of the divine feminine that have resurrected themselves from the ashes, I hear the song of yearning. Yearning for oneness, yearning for equality, for peace, for harmony. Hope is the melody of this song, Truth is its rhythm.

Love you all. Be well, be happy. Live with care and with abandon. I am because you are.

About the piece; I call her Lilith. She is the wild Goddess of the scathing Feminine appearing across mythologies. The parts that have been banished, rejected, belittled, hurt, punished. In Jewish folklore she is said to be Adam's first wife. However, when Adam asks her to lie with him she says "Why must I lie beneath you? I also was made from dust, and am therefore your equal." She was then banished from Eden and made into a demonic figure.
Lilith was the first woman in mythology (in a post gender-unequal world) that stood up for herself, knew her worth and knew her power. I wanted to depict her as carrying on her Samadhi despite forces against her. Her arms are outspread not in defeat, but because she knows nothing can harm her spirit.

